Tracy Tiernan - July 10, 2021 - Criminal Defense

On May 28th, 2021, the Oklahoma State Legislature wrapped its latest session. The legislators from this session assumed office following the 2020 elections. These elections saw Republicans win a 39-9 majority in the Senate and an 82-19 Senate majority. 25 pieces of legislation passed both chambers during the session, and the following are some important […]

Tracy Tiernan - June 7, 2021 - Criminal Defense

The Oklahoma Criminal Court of Appeals decided the case of State v. Allen in May 2021 and made some notable decisions about how the state handles child abuse laws. A conviction of this nature can carry substantial penalties; the following are some important details about this case. The Facts of the Case Oklahoma convicted Kelvin […]

Tracy Tiernan - May 14, 2021 - Criminal Defense

In 2019, Oklahoma passed a permitless carry law. The basics of this law make it legal for anyone who is 21 years of age or over as well as those who are active or honorably discharged members of the military who are not banned from owning a firearm to carry a gun in public without […]

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