
Tracy Tiernan - December 21, 2017 - wrongful death

In recent years, wrongful death claims have become a necessary component of the civil court system in the United States. While every state allows wrongful death lawsuits, each state has its own rules and regulations. For instance, when looking at Oklahoma law, only certain individuals can file a wrongful death lawsuit against a defendant who […]

Brian Gomez - December 7, 2017 - Truck accident

If you have been involved in an 18 wheeler accident, you likely find yourself dealing with what may amount to serious injuries. You also may have significant questions about your legal rights. These questions may include whether you should accept financial assistance from the truck company or its insurance carrier. There are a number of […]

Tracy Tiernan - October 31, 2017 - Criminal Defense, Motorcycle Accidents

Accidents are stressful situations that can set your family back quite a bit because of medical expenses, the physical injuries themselves and the emotional turmoil that comes afterward. If you are an accident victim of any kind, you probably have a lot on your mind right now. The last thing you may be thinking about […]

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