Tracy Tiernan - November 15, 2019 - Criminal Defense
Most people use the term ‘driving under the influence’ (DUI) to refer to motor vehicle drivers who operate vehicles while intoxicated. This, however, is not always the situation. Another group of people uses the phrase ‘driving while intoxicated’ (DWI) interchangeably with DUI, which is also not true. If you have been charged with either of […]
Tracy Tiernan - October 28, 2019 - Criminal Defense
There are a variety of drug crimes in Oklahoma. Some of these offenses result in more serious penalties than others, but all will have an impact on your future if convicted. Fortunately, several powerful strategies can be utilized to defend against these charges. The following will review some of the important issues to consider when […]
Tracy Tiernan - October 7, 2019 - Criminal Defense
As technology develops, some activities that once seemed novel are becoming commonplace. Sexting might not seem like a big deal and it occurs at a substantial rate among teens, but the act can result in serious criminal penalties. Sexting refers to sharing sexually explicit images or messages through web-communication devices. While Oklahoma has not yet […]